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Prevention of Recurrent pregnancy loss

Recurrent Pregnancy loss also known as recurrent miscarriage are common occuring in 15-20% of all pregnancies. Recurrent miscarriage is when a woman has two or more clinical pregnancy losses. There are higher chances of pregnancy loss in women above the age of 35. Women who have miscarriages experience vaginal bleeding, loss of tenderness in the breasts and loss of fetal movement or sound. Miscarriages can cause the mother as well as the family to suffer through depression. To determine the causes of pregnancy loss, the fertility specialist will review the patient’s medical history and past pregnancies as well as perform the pelvic exam. You can visit the best obstetrician in chandigarh for any pregnancy related examinations.

Types of Miscarriages:

  • Recurrent Early Miscarriages : Occur within the first trimester mostly due to genetic problems or unstructured uterus.
  • Recurrent Late Miscarriages :This can be a result of uterine abnormalities, autoimmune problems, incompetent cervix or premature labor.

IVF Specialist in Chandigarh

What are the causes of Recurring pregnancy loss?

Recurring miscarriages calls for evaluation and management and below listed are its key causes.
  • Genetic : There are times when chromosomal abnormalities are passed on due to which repeted pregnancy loss occurs.
  • Unstructured Uterus : Abnormalities in the uterus can be by birth but can be dealt before conceiving through surgeries.
  • Endocrine Issues : Women suffering from diseases like thyroid, diabetes or ovarian cysts may suffer from a pregnancy loss.
  • Autoimmune Diseases : The antibodies produced by mother causing the blood clotting which cuts off the nutrient supply to the featus leading to miscarriage.
  • Environmental Factors : Consuming drugs, alcohol or smoking can hamper the pregnancy.

How to prevent recurrent miscarriages?

Recurring miscarriages calls for evaluation and management and below listed are its key causes.
  • Exercise regularly to keep your body weight managed
  • Consume a healthy and well-balanced meals
  • Meditate daily to manage any kind of stress
  • Stay away from drugs and smoke
  • Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages
  • Keep yourself immunized
  • Maintain personal hygiene to keep yourself away from infections.
  • Avoid indulging in any sports or lifting heavy weights.
  • Schedule regular visits to your gynecologist before conceiving if you have already undergone pregnancy loss.
  • Keep your blood sugar level under control.

You should ensure the good health of the baby by treating the mother’s physical and mental health conditions before conceiving. Roughly 15 percent of the known pregnancies are spontaneous but the occurance of a pregnancy loss can be found during the pre-visits to your Gynecologists. Once you beome pregnant, get early, comprehensive prenatal care to improve your chances of healthy pregnancy. Every women deserves to become a mother and give birth to a healthy baby but having pregnancy losses can prove to be very traumatising to the mother’s mental and physical health, hence, visiting your nearby gynecologist is must before and during pregnancy.